Contemporary book art

A good story collapses time, weaving together fragmented voices with vibrant images that fire the imagination and evoke strong feelings. Book art adds an exciting dimension to storytelling for me, and allows me to combine language and emotion with texture and structure

No access

Made from paper birch and eucalyptus bark, along with handmade paper, this book is bound using silver ‘barbed’ wire and reflects on our restricted access to the landscape and nature

White feathers

A poem drawn from memories, love and loss. The words are bound into driftwood, found on my walks, using silver wire, pearls, crystals, black pearls and feathers


Inspired by walking meditations, and conversations with the landscape, this poem is bound into black and white feathers, using silver wire, pearls, black pearls and coral beads

Scattered words

Inspired by the invisible ancestral tracks that criss cross Africa, sung into existence by Nomadic tribes. An accordion book with a trail of hand cut footprints and a leather cover

Shakespeare & co

A set of books inspired by the quirky Paris bookshop. Stepping through the doors into narrow, twisting corridors gives flight to the imagination and to untold stories


Joshua’s poem weaves a difficult journey through the sand as he tries to return home, after being kidnapped and forced to fight as a child soldier by the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda

“Follow your inner moonlight, don’t hide the madness”

— Allen Ginsberg