
A handmade ‘book’ that tells a unique story. The pages flow horizontally within a long box, which has been covered with handmade paper, embossed with the souls of feet and hand sewn foot prints. Joshua’s story wasn’t uncommon. As a young child in the 1950s, he was kidnapped in Northern Uganda by the Lord’s Resistance Army and forced to fight against his family and friends. His words are printed on paper, which runs in waves along the length of the ‘book’. These pages have been bound with silver wire and the ‘book’ has been filled with sand so the reader has to move the sand to read Joshua’s story. The paper is 30 gsm and almost translucent. It almost glows and the paper inclusions form their own natural pathways, snaking across the pages like ghostly veins under the skin. The words weave a track through the sand as Joshua tries to find his way home. And red running stitches hand sewn into the paper follow the journey of his ancestors

“There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires”

— Nelson Mandela